I’ve been out of the habit of writing for too long—far too long, and I want to freewrite a little to get back into the habit. I don’t expect this piece to be of the highest quality, and frankly I don’t expect people to want to read this.

In this moment, I am bored. The sun has set, and darkness prevails. A visceral urge to escape the doldroms passes in me; storming energy disturbs the calm. The lay of the land is wearying and offends my sensibilities, so I am restless....

Unaccompanied, the man enters the room. Without a word, the room is set in motion. Everything is present. His staff presents the morning bulletin.

“I see everything is working.”


Strangely, I had no idea where that would go or even what the people were doing in the room. I am, without a doubt, lacking inspiration right now, nothing to spark creativity.

Matt Wittmann
AIM: MattWdotCOM